Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hello Parents, We are very excited to tell you that we will be receiving the keys for the new location on November 15th! Our new opening date will be February 1st. Rest assured that we will be around the clock to get this fantastic new center ready for your children. We are very excited and will keep you posted on how it is going!
Halloween activities in our Kinder program: Goopy eyeball sensory activity and monsters made out of play dough!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Chopping for CHEO was a great success-we raised well over $300!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped support a great cause. Mr. Larry ended up with quite the haircut!

Friday, October 5, 2012

On Friday, October 12 we will be having Picture Day for our Nursery School, Toddlers and Preschoolers! Green Apple Photography will be coming to take the children's pictures. Green Apple Photography has come greatly recommended and has a wide variety of excellent backgrounds to choose from. We're sure everyone will show up looking their best and eager to show us their beautiful smiles!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chopping for CHEO! We are putting together a great fundraiser for CHEO. We are selling tickets at the front desk of Tiny Hoppers for a chance at cutting Mr. Larry's hair! Tickets are being sold $2 for one ticket, $5 for 3, and $10 for an arm length. On Friday, October 12, we will be drawing a ticket number and the winner will get the chance to chop some locks :) Help us support a great cause and buy some tickets!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome to Tiny Hoppers Riverside South's new blog! On here, we will be posting information about your child's day, program and special event info that you need to know. On Friday, October 5th we will be taking a field trip to Miller's Farm! Preschool and Toddlers will be going in the morning around 8.30 and Kinders and Rec will be going in the afternoon around 12.30. All programs will be joining for a Thanksgiving lunch here at Tiny Hoppers that day. Please see the sign up sheet at the front desk.